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¿Cómo se Explica el Antisionismo de Pedro Sánchez?

197 Reproducciones
Publicado el 25/11/23 / En Eventos


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Antonello 1 año

¿Por qué el Talmud dice? “Una persona está obligada a decir las siguientes tres bendiciones todos los días: Bendito seas (Dios) porque no me hiciste gentil; Bendito seas por no hacerme mujer; Bendito seas por no hacerme un esclavo”

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Antonello 1 año

I´ve nothing again the juds, but the facts show as they treat to the gentil people. You can´t read the true Talmud, is prohibited to the gentil people, something wil be in this book when we don´t read the Talmud.

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Antonello 1 año

From the Juds occcupied middle East and they have massacred and attacked all the nations surround, the middle East is been hell. They play all sports in the ligues in Europe, why dont´t play in the middel east ligues?

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Antonello 1 año

The Palestin people live in concentration camps from the Juds occupy a land that´s not their land. Do you remenber the terrorist attempt again militar Britanics who lived in king David hotel? There died men, women and childre, I think is the first attempt in the Hystory. Who are the juds for occupy a land that´s is the palestin property, killing and closing to the people of Palestin in conscentration camps. I´m politically right-wing, but if somebody go again common sense , Isay not.

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